自上一張氛圍聲音實驗專輯《鯨歌》(Whale Song)的出版,已十六年了。
It has been 16 years since the publishing of the last album, Whale Song, an ambient and sound orientated exploration.
Life went on as usual. Sometimes new ideas were sprung, written down or played out. They served more or less as pieces loosely laying out, instead of being parts of a bigger picture. I was fine with that, as much as I was with most of the experience I had in this city. Everything, and everyone, had its place.
Still some time has passed, by then things began to fall apart. Drastically and dramatically, it shattered the idea of what once this society, or home, was to me. We witnessed changes, for better or worse, and most often than not, they affected the core unknowingly.
It’s hard to believe if there is nothing to believe in. This is the time of departure and separation, to say the least. In hours such as this, perhaps the only thing we can do is to wait patiently, while gathering up and examining ideas deemed valuable. Maybe by doing so, we can find new meanings and purposes, and a chance to really breathe.
The works here, as a collection spans over two decades, help me go through some of the difficult times. In a way, they are more like close friends or companies, and each of them a unique character, a coordinate, and a story. Some were like dairy, some love letters … and some were time made real, despite being trapped inside a drifting bottle.
音樂專場|Entangled Remotion,離聚的纏繞—— Wilson Tsang/曾永曦
時間|11/01(五)19:00 – 21:00
地點|飛地・台北(台北市萬華區中華路一段 𝟭𝟳𝟎-𝟮 號)
【創作者介紹】 Wilson Tsang/曾永曦
曾永曦出生於香港,從事視覺藝術,是一位獨立的音樂人。受古典、早期爵士、民謠和搖滾影響,風格傾向黑暗抽象,亦帶隨意。除單獨創作之外 曾亦與劇場、舞蹈、詩歌和電影等不同媒界創作人合作。已出版音樂專輯包括《Stuck in Traffic》(2003)、《Little Cold Red》(2005)和《Whale Song》(2008)。
Born in Hong Kong, Wilson Tsang is a visual artist as well as an independent musician. Influenced by classical, early jazz, folk and rock, his style is somewhat dark, abstract and spontaneous. Apart from solo projects , Wilson has also collaborated with artists from various platforms including dance, theatre, poetry and film.Published music albums include《Stuck in Traffic》(2003)、《Little Cold Red》(2005)and《Whale Song》(2008)
⚠️⚠️ 入場方式 ⚠️⚠️
① 活動將於 18:50 開放入場。
② 購票入場 550 NTD,憑碟入場 1400 NTD。
③ 事先報名,現場付款。
④ 報名請由此:https://forms.gle/6MPDcHPQbk5Q3Qk17